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Saturday, June 8, 2013

Rafting Season is Here

3:20 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

The White water rafting season is underway here at Otter Rafting Adventures and with the amount of snow pack in the mountains we should have a great summer. The guides have been out scouting the river and are ready to take our many guests down the river on a wild and exciting trip.

Now is the time of the year to catch the big water. It is just starting to flow up here in the foothills. Add to the melt all the rainfall and the Red Deer River is cookin! Don’t let the rain bother you. We guarantee that you are going to get wet whether it be from the river ( most likely) or the rain. You can only get so wet and you are dressed for it. Besides, what else can you do outside in the rain??

When one of the few weekends comes around and it’s raining, rafting is a way to make the most of it. Great fun and outdoors – that can’t be beat!


Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Getting ready for the river

11:17 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

The rafting season is just around the corner. With an above average snow pack at the headwaters of the Red Deer River this should be an exciting year of playing on the river.

The spring is a little late in arriving, but that is fine as it allow more snows to accumulate in the mountains. Look at it as snow being put in the bank being saved for later! It collects a different kind of interest – anticipation of some wild and exciting paddling.

The guides are excited and anxious to get on the river for some practice runs and and review their river safety skills.. They are polishing their paddles and making sure their wetsuits still fit. The wetsuits seem to shrink a little bit more with each winter!  Here at Otter Rafting Adventures we have to get out and do some pre-season paddling as well as look for new hazards or any potential threats. It’s a good excuse to get out on the river as often as possible.


Thursday, March 28, 2013

2013 Winter Snowfall

1:11 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

In #Sundre the snow is melting but in the mountains there is at least 6 more weeks of snow to come.

This winter we have had a good snowfall in the mountains. As of today we have accumulated the average amount of snow, at the source of the Red Deer River, the same that would fall from a full winter. And we still have a minimum of 6 weeks of potential snowfall that can accumulate. Things are looking good! On the chart the blue line is rising.

The guides can’t wait to get out on the river, paddling and brushing up on their safety skills. Bet they have learned plenty of new jokes to subject a trapped audience to.

Hopefully we get lot's more snow (in the mountains)!