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Tuesday, July 22, 2014

How Short Summer Is

2:57 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

The summer is ticking away and it is hard not to notice it. Before we know, it will be September.

The river level is dropping over time and then surging up again with a rain. Every rain is a good thing – it gives us extra time on the water. Rafting is one of those things where it is an outdoor activity that lets you be outside all day and not know if it is raining or not. You get just as wet rafting or being in the rain. Although rafting is more fun.

Before the summer is gone make your plans to be out rafting and enjoy your day whatever the weather. Although a blistering hot day on the river is heaven it seems we all have to work that day. Sad smile

Next time – take that day off. Smile


Thursday, July 10, 2014

Fabulous weather coming

5:24 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

There have been several days out on the river lately. And with the weather forecast showing suns for the next week it is going to be another busy week.

The river is a milky color from the glacial melt that these warm temperatures bring. It makes the river a little harder for the guides to read but that is where the level of experience shows. You can’t see the rocks under the surface you have to read the texture of the water surface and see the flow path of the current.

Now that the river has dropped from the June high water, there is plenty of surfing going on. It takes practice to get the hang of it. You also have to learn when a wave is too big to surf! You learn real fast. Surfing is very fun – ask your guide to find some surfing waves. It might take a bit of work to get into it but it is worth it.

What a surf!

Tuesday, July 1, 2014


1:50 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

Put on your face paint and let’s go rafting! Don’t put any paint on your forehead – with all the splashing the water carries the paint into your eyes and stings. Guess how I know that?

The weather forecast looks gorgeous for the next week. Perfect for getting out on the river. Hopefully it is the start of our summer and there will be many days of rafting ahead.

On Your Mark