We often get guys and gals out for stag and stagette rafting trips. They are always a lot of fun and the star of the show ends up realizing that they are truly loved by their pals. Whether it be thrown in the river a multitude of times, wearing a dress (not their usual attire for most but some you might wonder) or wearing the tie dye panties, what better way to send someone off to marital bliss.
I’ve also included some river pictures comparing the last weekend to the previous weekend. The river is up a bit but nothing compared to what is coming. For completeness sake I’ve included these pictures since there is so little change.
The river has been running at this level for a while so it has gone clear. A standing wave is forming with this little bit of extra water. Sorry, the pictures are not exciting but we want to be able to have something to compare against once it really starts to flow.
Here is a photo from the past, May 29,2009 to compare these pictures to.
There should be some interesting pictures coming up with the good weather we are having this week.